Day #30: Just Do It!
rafting rahong pangalengan

Day #30: Just Do It!

Hey party people-

I'm on the run but I just wanted to share some things that happened last night that were pretty monumental for me and I think you all might find helpful as well!

So last night I was out with a big group of friends for a community event we were putting on and we all decided to go out to one of our favorite local restaurants afterward called The Library; the food is amazing there and for whatever reason no matter what time of day it is their appetizers are 50% off which used to equal me inhaling fried yumminess like there would be no tomorrow.

So while we are waiting for table to be ready I was trying to plan out what it was I would get to eat when I found myself thinking, "You know what? I have been SO good this week, I haven't "cheated" even once and I deserve to be able to get whatever I want, I mean come on, this food is so cheap and so good; everyone else is going to get what they want!" At that moment I had a choice to make and I had pretty much decided I was going to indulge in whatever I wanted when I had a sudden epiphany- these are the situations and decisions that keep and make people obese.

It's easy to eat healthy when you feel motivated to, or when you're not being tempted, or when you step on the scale and see a number that makes you want to puke; but motivation, the lack of temptation, and self-loathing will only get you so far for so long.

It really is a matter of decision that there is no turning back; I realized at that point no one else was going to make the healthy and right decision for me, yet it was like I was waiting for someone to, but that was not going to happen.

So I employed the eating out/social peer-pressure tactics that we've all read before:
- I ordered water and drank a full glass before I even began eating my meal.
- I decided once I saw my plate how much I was going to eat of it and as soon as I had eaten that portion I actually gave my plate to the waitress to take away. She looked at it and said, "are you sure you're done?" and I just replied, "yep!"
- There was a plate of fries (my weakness) that was sitting right in front of me that belonged to my friend that she offered to everyone, I didn't even have 1 b/c I knew that it would most likely just cause me to want to have more.
- I concentrated more on engaging in conversation and life with the people I was with then on the food I was eating.

It was a glorious evening and just really proved to me just how much I've actually changed in these last 3 months. I even got to experience someone asking me if I lost weight. What a fabulous feeling that is.

Well, tomorrow is the big day- I find out if I reached my January goal. I want to see 325 on the scale tomorrow so bad I can taste it, but in the end if I don't see the number that I want to tomorrow it will be okay, because I know that I will see it one day.

I'll leave you all with a pic of me after my workout today in the gym- I pushed harder today than I ever have and my face was seriously the color of my shirt at one point! lol 30 minutes on Mr. T at (3.5-3.6 and 30 secs of jogging :), 5 mins on the elliptical (still feel like I only have 1 lung on this thing!) and 15 minutes on the recumbent bike (fyi- I HATE this machine, the upright bike is MUCH more my style!)

Check out the red cheeks! lol

Alright friends, I'll check in with ya tomorrow for my weigh in~ send me good vibes! :)

Word of wisdom- If you've been given the tools to do the right thing and you don't do it, it's your fault. You are stronger than you realize; so once you know what you need to do- JUST DO IT!
rafting rahong pangalengan