Day #19: To Count or Not to Count...That is My Question!
rafting rahong pangalengan

Day #19: To Count or Not to Count...That is My Question!

Morning lovelies!

So as you can see over there on the right hand side of my blog, one of my January goals is to come up with 3 new healthy creations this month! Well, last night I knocked out 2 of 'em! One of my attempts was a success and well the other...not so much!

Let's start with the good news...Tuna Salad! (HAHA- Don't hate on the simplicity- baby steps peeps, baby steps!) I made this with 3 cans of tuna, some ff mayo, mustard (yum!), 2 hard boiled egg whites, celery, and tons of garlic powder! I'll be having this today for lunch by putting it on top of some romaine!

And now for the "not so good"... the brussels :(

Now, I've gotta say- it wasn't a complete failure b/c first of all I tried something I would have NEVER tried in the past which is a victory in and of itself and when I tasted them they didn't make me want to that's a good thing right? lol Well, for someone who really doesn't like many veggies that's a good thing! However, they were pretty dry and just...not great. I could have forced myself to eat them but instead they ended up in the trash! Here's how I made them: I cut them in half and drizzeld them with a combination of olive oil, garlic, onions, lemon juice, and salt and pepper and threw em in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Oh well- at least I tried! :)

Alright, and now on to today's topic/confession/question:

When I started my healthy eating habits back in November, I decided that the best way for me to keep my nutrition in check would be to count POINTS and write everything down. I did this mainly because I kept reading everywhere how beneficial (and some would say necessary) it is to keep a food journal. I was able to successfully do this a few days and many weeks haven't gone by that I haven't tried to "re-start" counting PTS, but I just have a really hard time making it work. I don't have a hard time at all eating healthy it's just the calculating all of the PTS and writing them down for every meal.

Here's the confession part- I haven't been "tracking" for 2 weeks now (well, I didn't eat last week so really for 1 week :). My eating has been absolutely STELLAR- it's just that I don't track PTS; but I'm feeling guilty b/c I FEEL like I should be. I'm blaming it on my perfectionist attitude- you see, I have NO problem tracking for bkfast and lunch because I pretty much eat the same thing every day, but dinner is always the one meal that is always a variable for me. So here's how my day/tracking usually goes- I'll easily track my bkfast, snacks, and lunch but then dinner will come and I'll either eat out or something along those lines and not really know what the EXACT PTS are and then since I feel like I can't be completely accurate, I don't want to do it at all. I know that the all or nothing attitude isn't good, and I don't have it in regards to actually EATING healthy, just tracking.

So then I started wondering if maybe counting calories would be a little more realistic for me. My thought process behind this is that I don't have to carry the little POINT calculator around trying to figure it all out, calories are always given (for the most part) and it seems that a lot of people have success with doing this so maybe it would work for me. Yesterday was my first day counting calories and I've gotta say I do find it easier than tracking POINTS.

And then one little part of me says...why count anything at all? Just because other people do it doens't mean that I HAVE to; I feel like I've learned the basics of nutrition and portioning and that I can tell how much is too much. Eating healthy and sensible portions really isn't a struggle for me so I don't believe that I would miss/need the accountability of journaling. Maybe it would be ok for me not to track/count all of the time but just do it every once in awhile to give myself an idea of where I am and make sure I'm staying within my goals.


Seriously, give me some advice please! I want to do whatever is going to be most helpful for me and will cause me to reach my goals- regardless of how annoying or tedious it may be.

Should I go back to tracking POINTS? Should I try counting calories? Should I do neither and see what happens?

Help por favor! :)

rafting rahong pangalengan